Saturday, 17 March 2018

How to get Rid of Dandruff

Are you tired of using a range of ineffective products for your dandruff condition? Getting rid of those pesky white flakes might actually be possible with many over-the-counter shampoos. Let’s have a look at some effective ways of handling the issue.

1. Pyrithione zinc
This is an active ingredient capable of reducing the severity of the dandruff substantially. So, if you have a favorite shampoo which doesn’t seem to get the job done, try switching to a shampoo containing pyrithione

2. Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is another common over-the-counter product. It has a propertywhich prevents the flaking of you scalp and, hence, reduce the dandruff in your hair. It acts by dissolving the shed skin cells and reducing the appearance of flaking.

3. Coal tar
Coal tar shampoo has been around for many years. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat many different scalp diseases including seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, scalp itching, and scalp eczema. It does have a few downsides. First of all, as it tends to have a very strong tar odor that many find unpleasant. Also, exposure to high concentration of coal tar (not the same included in shampoos) has also been shown to cause cancer (carcinogenic).

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